Our care for your teeth

We have prepared a simplified overview of the different categories of dentistry and medical procedures that involve these categories.

The attending dentist will give you all the information about your individual interventions. Once the initial evaluation of the general oral health and specific problems is performed, the dentist will propose possible treatment options. He will provide information about the benefits and side effects of different kinds of treatments, and will propose a treatment plan.

We encourage you to ask questions if some details remain unclear. We realise that being well-informed is a key to being satisfied with treatment.

Prevention and hygiene

The aim of the prevention and dental hygiene is to prevent cavities, diseases of the supporting apparatus of teeth and damage to other tissues of the oral cavity.

A long-term plan of prevention is based on the current state of the oral cavity, comprehensive X-rays, and on the eating and lifestyle habits of the patient. We discuss products for daily oral hygiene and regular dental cleaning and care of the gums.

During the dental hygiene procedures in our clinic, we clean the teeth of odontolith, color pigments contained in food or cigarette smoke and plaque (soft coating on the surface of teeth formed by bacteria).

Sealing teeth

Chewing surfaces of back teeth have broken, grooved and porous surface. It’s a convenient place to store food debris and a potential site for caries development. This phenomenon can be prevented by sealing these grooves.

The actual sealing consists of teeth cleaning with a special paste, applying and curing a material for sealing and topical fluoridation of the tooth surface. A tooth treated in this manner has a smooth surface and has no deep grooves were food debris can accumulate. This is the basic principle of preventive protection against caries. Dentists recommend sealing children’s teeth, especially milk teeth and first erupted permanent molars (molars) in 6 years. Sealing will reduce the initial emergence of children’s dental caries and subsequent dissemination of caries on permanent teeth. Sealing is the most economical protection against dental caries.

Restorative Dentistry

The main aim of restorative dentistry is to protect the patient’s own teeth and preserve them in good shape as long as possible.

In the case of light tooth decay when the nerve of the tooth is not affected, the dentist can repair it with the help of a white photo composite seal or an amalgam seal.

In the case of severe tooth decay when the nervous system of a tooth is affected, root canal treatment (endodontics) may become necessary. All procedures are painless. For each patient, we use an individual approach to select effective local anesthesia options.


Prosthetic Dentistry fills lost dental tissue or entire teeth/ groups of teeth.

Aesthetic veneers

Aesthetic veneers fill minimal loss of dental tissue or can correct aesthetic issues caused by developmental damage to hard tooth tissue. Veneers can also adjust some imperfections in tooth positions. After the surface layer of a tooth is removed, veneers are glued in the form of shells.


Crown replaces the lost part of a tooth while protecting endodontic tooth from fracture, improves the aesthetics of stained teeth, covers the destroyed or deformed teeth, while preserving the tooth root. We manufacture firmly fixed metal-ceramic or highly aesthetic ceramic crowns.


Tooth implant – is an artificial tooth that using titanium root is fixed in the bone.

Today, among the different ways of prosthesis, implantation is considered like the most modern and advanced.

What affects the price of the implant
The price of implant depends primarily on the brand of the manufacturer. Manufacturers of world renown sell their products at a higher price than the little-known manufacturers. More expensive will cost the implant, which in its composition contains a greater amount of titanium – an element that provides biocompatibility of the implant to the bone. A large value of implants depends on screw, which was treated by ultrasound or laser, so they have a precise shape and are held firmly in bone.